Pregnant actress Scarlett Johansson says, “I don’t always want to be an object of desire,” acknowledging her “selfish” desire to have it all





Scarlett Johansson gained notoriety for her sultry roles in films like Lost in Translation, but in the April issue of The Wall Street Journal, she says she is sick of being vapid.

“I want to stop being the smart aleck,” declares the 29-year-old. “Being glamorous is nice, but I don’t want to be someone else’s object of desire all the time.” since it is transient.



Rather, she aspires to have a diverse profession that allows her to’selfishly’ balance her job in films with her personal life.

In the interview, the expectant celebrity also discusses her progressively diverse career, her relationship with fiancé Romain Dauriac, and her aspirations for starting a kid.





There has to be a world where I can manage both, where I can take care of my family and produce a film every year, or where I can work independently, create things, and perform in theater. I wish I could have everything. Inconsiderately,’ she told WSJ.

She told the magazine, “It seems so stressful to not be able to spend time with your family because you’re always chasing the tail of your own success.”

The voluptuous celebrity talked candidly about her 2012 encounter with Frenchman Dauriac.

The actress, who was born and reared in New York, currently resides primarily in Paris with him.